Declassified: Scotland’s iconic UFO Sighting

Other World Media
3 min readOct 28, 2023


Revisit the story of the Calvine UFO, a case that’s left skeptics puzzled for decades.

The declassified photo of the Calvine UFO | 1990

On August 4th 1990, two witnesses in Calvine, Scotland, spotted a giant diamond-shaped UFO. The craft hovered for around 10 minutes before accelerating vertically at an incredibly high speed. For the first 5 or 6 minutes, a military jet aircraft was seen near the craft, making several close, low-level approaches before flying off.

The observers captured a series of photographs, and six negatives were given to the Scottish Daily Record, which aimed to cover the sighting in their publication. The newspaper provided the negatives to the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to secure approval from the relevant authorities before release. Imagery experts at the Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre analysed the photos, found no evidence of hoaxing, and concluded that the pictures captured a genuine craft. However, no story was published, and the MoD quickly classified the photos.

This is considered one of the most famous UFO photos and remained classified until recently when the U.K. Ministry of Defense finally released it. It’s always suspicious when the military or government classifies UFO images taken by the public or military officers, it’s usually a sign of something they want to keep a secret.

When this photo was declassified, the other images were nowhere to be found. The MoD claimed the negatives were returned to the Scottish Daily, but the newspaper disputed this. Considering the MoD’s attempts to kill the story and cover up the sighting, these photos will likely never see the light of day. The MoD used various tactics to prevent the witnesses from speaking out, and the National Archives redacted their names from Freedom of Information Act requests. The Information Commissioner’s Office stated their identities must remain classified until 2076.

Artist render of the photo before it was released | Cynon Valley Leader

What’s interesting is that the sighting occurred close to the U.S. Military base in Scotland, leading to speculation that the Americans were testing an experimental aircraft. This explanation makes the most sense when you consider the UFO was being observed by a military jet and seen flying around an army base. Former MoD employee and journalist Nick Pope investigated this but found the answers were above his classification.

While craft has no visible means of propulsion and doesn’t resemble any known American military craft, it doesn’t resemble any commonly sighted UFOs. Thanks to David Grusch’s whistleblower claims, we know the United States does have covert UFO programs, including a reverse engineering program.

Is this actual reverse-engineered technology caught on camera? There’s a change it just might be!


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