The significance of NASA’s UAP meeting
While many may be left disappointed, there are a few key takeaways may go overlooked.

On the 31st of May, NASA held a Public Meeting hosted by their Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Team. The meeting featured many presentations by certified individuals, including Mike Freie of the Federal Aviation Administration, Joshua Semeter of Boston University, and most notably, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). While many are likely disappointed with the lack of disclosure regarding extraterrestrials, there were a few points mentioned that are likely to be overlooked, which are just as significant.
Early in the meeting, NASA’s UAP study team revealed that they are focusing on hard scientific data instead of witness sightings and mobile footage. This is to prove that there are UFO/UAPs out there that demonstrate impossible scientific manoeuvrability. While many may see that as a disappointment, given that credible mobile footage and witness accounts exist, some UAP encounters require more in-depth data for analysis to determine their origin. Using unclassified data is supposedly so NASA’s UAP team can be transparent with the public regarding their findings. While we must wait and see how that works, it’s refreshing not to worry about government roadblocks. Although, it’s likely that anything extraordinary will be classified, which would be disappointing.
Additionally, NASA announced they’re working on a UAP reporting mobile application as a direct line of communication between witnesses and the study team. While the details are unclear, the reports will likely need to meet NASA’s criteria of what they define as “hard scientific data”.

The most important takeaway from the meeting is that NASA is committed to fighting the stigma against UFO/UAP in the academic and scientific communities. Dr. Nicola Fox opened by denouncing the harassment NASA scientists and UAP panellists have faced due to their investigations into UAPs. Later in the meeting, Dr. Kirkpatrick alluded to harassment coming from the government during both AARO and NASA investigations.
First, confirming that there is a professional stigma around the UFO/UAP phenomenon is a massive admission in itself. For decades, the phenomenon has been a taboo topic to discuss in academia without writers and scientists being the subject of ridicule, and this has halted any significant progress and investigation. The stigma isn’t exclusive to these institutions. The phenomenon has been a subject of belief for a very long time, with its “believers” being shunned and labelled “conspiracy theories” and “nutcases” by the news media, entertainment, and government. Over the last ten years, the phenomenon is slowly being widely accepted. Various governments worldwide have confirmed UFOs’ existence and launched their own investigations, changing the phenomenon from ‘belief’ to ‘fact’. There are, in fact, unidentified flying objects in our skies, and we don’t know what they are. For investigators to still face stigma for investigating the unknown is quite regressive, and NASA is working to change that.
Regardless of your personal view of NASA, it’s clear that the relevant institutions and the general public highly regard its influence and status. For a government agency like NASA to publicly investigate the UFO/UAP phenomenon is a huge step forward, as public perception of taboo topics shifts when large and trusted institutions begin to take them seriously. Whatever the truth of the UFO phenomenon is, the road to getting there relies heavily on public perception being shifted away from science fiction and for researchers to stop harassment from influential institutions. Professionally portraying the UFO phenomenon, with investigations helmed by officially certified individuals, can help increase the credibility of the topic to the public and the relevant institutions. Fighting the stigma and changing public perception is vital in further understanding and solving the UFO phenomenon.

During Dr. Kirkpatrick’s presentation, he stated that U.S. military personnel have been observing “metallic orbs” worldwide, the most common type of UFOs the government has encountered. He went on to say that these metallic orbs display “very interesting apparent manoeuvres” and make up nearly half of all UAP sighting reports AARO has been investigating. Later in the presentation, Dr. Kirkpatrick provided a profile of these orbs, revealing them as capable of impossible flight characteristics, ranging from stationary to travelling at twice the speed of sound without any visible propulsion method.
During AARO’s senate hearing in April, Dr. Kirkpatrick showcased a video of a metallic orb captured in the Middle East in 2022. Although there hasn’t been any updates regarding this case, it was noted that these orbs do not pose any apparent threat to airborne safety. These metallic orb sightings aren’t exclusive to U.S. military personnel. There have been countless civilian sightings, including this video that was taken recently and showcased a metallic orb moving around through the clouds.

As expected, many viewers hoped NASA would confirm the existence of extraterrestrial life and were left disappointed when that didn’t happen. However, they didn’t avoid the conversation entirely. Admittedly, throughout the meeting, various individuals stated repeatedly that there was “no evidence of extraterrestrial activity”, which is to be expected from a government conference. The interesting part came towards the end when the panellists announced that while they don’t currently know the answer to the “Are we alone in the universe?” question, they’re committed to finding the answer and will go straight to the public once they know.
While many will likely roll their eyes at that statement and insist that it’s all talk, but what’s interesting is that the panel of NASA scientists didn’t rule out the possibility that some UFO/UAPs are of extraterrestrial origin. Even the statement “no evidence of extraterrestrial activity” doesn’t dispute that said evidence may exist. So the possibility of extraterrestrial life is currently a hypothesis at NASA. This will no doubt relieve those who believe in extraterrestrial life, who can rest easy knowing one of science’s most prominent institutions is taking it seriously.
While the meeting was full of commitments and mission statements rather than hard proof or extraordinary footage showcased, it was a productive step forward that helped pave the way towards disclosure. NASA has shown that they take the topic seriously and are committed to publicly investigating the phenomenon, a milestone compared to classified research programs undertaken over the last 70 years. Harvard University’s ‘The Galileo Project helmed by Avi Loeb
This is a good step towards the truth, whatever the truth may be.
A final report from the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Team is expected to release later this year.
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